Peter Meriot Peter Meriot

Is this Functional? Is this Safe?

“Did it pass inspection?” That’s the most common question you’re going to hear when someone asks how your home inspection went. It’s also not really the right question. What percentage of a house needs to be functional and safe for it to pass inspection? What amount of defects make a home fail inspection? I honestly don’t know the answer to those questions. I can tell you the answer is not in the SOP for home inspections in massachusetts. Home inspectors look at homes for functionality & safety. They provide a report on the conditions of the home and any material defects that are noted during the time of the inspection. That doesn’t really translate into a pass/fail. Especially because what may not be a big deal to one person can be a huge issue for another.

If you’ve never had a home inspection before, you might also be tempted to ask that question at the end of your home inspection. Here are 10 questions that are better to ask instead and will help you get the most out of your home inspection. 

  1. Are you seeing any material defects?

  2. Are there any signs of questionable building methods or materials?

  3. How is the heating/cooling system functioning and what is the overall condition of it?

  4. What is the condition of the attic, floor structure and foundation?

  5. How is the ventilation in the attic?

  6. What is the general condition of the roof?

  7. Are there any electrical issues you found?

  8. Are there any issues with the plumbing?

  9. Are there any areas of deferred maintenance that are in need of immediate attention?

  10. What professionals do you recommend I should follow up with?

If your home inspector is talkative during the inspection, these questions will help you stay engaged with them and get you the most information that is useful to you on the spot. That being said, if your home inspector provides you with a quality report, you should be able to answer these questions yourself after you have read the report. Over the next few blog posts, we’ll really break down these 10 questions and explain exactly how the answers to each of them are relevant and help you make the most of the information you are going to be provided.

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